$0.00Articles submitted for our Memberletter should be about 3000 words and can range from current or future events to interpreting the horoscope of a famous person to illustrating a particular astrological technique, whether old or new. Short pieces, current events, and letters to the editor are also welcome. All astrological systems, techniques, and research results are welcome, especially good chart profiles, and we invite both NCGR members and non-members to contribute articles, and let us know which topics you want to see covered in future issues.
Contact the Publications Editor with a written proposal or outline before sending a full-length article and to take out an ad. As an advertiser, you will be listed on our website.
Once accepted, articles must be sent electronically in MS Word, or text file according to writer’s guidelines, which will be provided. No hard copy or CDs. Send complete references, bibliography, and birth data (no actual charts) with data source. We reserve the right to edit all material for sense and space.
Article and Ad Copy Deadlines
The deadlines for article submissions and ad copy should be received at least two months prior to each issue, which will appear in August, November, February, and May.
NOTE: NCGR is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, education and research organization, so our authors retain copyright to all of their material published here.
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