$0.00OR Southern Oregon Chapter
Mary Plumb, President, 141 Crocker St., Ashland OR 97520, Doug Kellogg at 541-482-8988. Meetings 3rd Monday, 7-9 pm. September-May. Hidden Springs Wellness Center, 1651 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland. $7 General, $6 NCGR members and Seniors 62+. To get on email list of announcements sign up on our website. We are now broadcasting some of our lectures free on the web! Visit www.Ustream.tv and search for the show “Astrology in Ashland.” Now anyone anywhere in the world can join us on the web to watch our lectures.
SONCGR, PO Box 1032, Ashland OR 97520 541-482-8988