WI Milwaukee

WI Milwaukee

Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a novice or a practicing astrologer!
We meet 3-4 times per year, usually quarterly.

Due to the pandemic, all of our Meetings are held online through zoom until notice from Wisconsin Department of Health Services regarding larger gatherings. Zoom meetings are usually free; donations gladly accepted.  Prices vary for in-person workshops.

If you’d like to be added to our email list to receive information about upcoming meetings, please email Maria De Spears, Secretary at rigel@earthlink.net

You may find information on Facebook and Meetup

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/NCGR-Milwaukee-Area-Chapter-802952939743297/?view_public_for=802952939743297

Meetup Group: https://www.meetup.com/Milwaukee-Astrology-Group/

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