$0.00NV Las Vegas Stargazers
Meetings are usually the last Tuesday of every month except for August, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holiday season.
Currently, we are hosting online meetings and events and anyone with an interest in astrology is welcome to attend, including visitors to the area. We ask you check the events page on Facebook or Meetup for current events and updates.
Email: lasvegasstargazers@yahoo.com
Phone: 702-286-3325
Visit our Facebook Page for events, meetings, and other astrological happenings: https://www.facebook.com/NcgrLasVegasStargazers/
Our Meetup is known as The Las Vegas Astrology Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Las-Vegas-Astrology-Meetup/
To learn more about membership benefits or become a member, please visit: http://www.geocosmic.org/ or contact us for more details.