Synodic cycles are when two planets conjoin. They vary from less than 2 years to 493 years, igniting brand-new energies wherever they conjoin in your chart and are inclusive of the houses they rule. 2020 offers us three! Saturn/Pluto (38-years); Jupiter/Pluto (13-years); and Jupiter/Saturn (20-years); all, interestingly enough, ending now. How will the 2020 Synodics trigger you? What do you leave behind? Georgia Stathis’ unique views provide different lenses that entertain and inform.
Since 1977, Georgia Stathis is a consulting astrologer/lecturer. She wrote Business Astrology 101 and 2018’s Pushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases and OPA’s The Professional Astrologer. An online instructor for various organizations like the Mayo School of Astrology and Breaking down the Borders, she taught 8 years in the Undergraduate program at Kepler College and is Chair of the Alexandria iBase Project– dedicated to cataloging/preserving astrological literature for future astrologers. Website: www.starcycles.com