
Our local chapters in the U.S., North America and around the world provide a place for both members and non-members to meet others who are interested in or practicing astrology. Chapters provide a range of services that include newsletters, websites, Facebook pages, and regular meetings that often feature speakers from both inside and outside the local community. No matter whether or not you join a chapter (which you may do at any time), as an NCGR member you are entitled to a member discount at all chapter functions that charge a fee.

Chapter Activities at a Glance (for individual chapters contact info scroll down): 

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China Affiliate
Ray Liu, President
China Chapter provides recordings of NCGR worldwide webinars with Chinese translation subtitles for all Chinese members. Also, we run webinar or seminar every two months, and we also hold meet-ups or workshop on each equinox and solstice. Our address is:  Zhaolin Plaza 19 Ronghua Mid-Road BDA Beijing 100176 China, but due to the covid-19, all offline workshops and meet-ups are canceled, or changed to online. Keep healthy. For more info, you may contact Ray’s Email: Email: Website:
Tokyo Chapter
Mónica Escalante-Ochoa, President
Meetings:  1st Sunday every month, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm.  José María Velazco 63 Bis, Col. San José Insurgentes, México Cityor  Zoom Virtual meetings. Free for members / $ 200 pesos for non-members. Special events individually priced with advance registration discounts. See website for updates Phone number/ whatsapp:  +55 9189 1973 / 55 2244 6318 E-mail: Website: Facebook page:   astromexioco_ncgr  
Mexico City
Luis Michel Fox Elizondo, PRESIDENT
Best known as:  Consejo Mexicano para la Investigación Geocósmica, A.C. / NCGR´s Mexico City Chapter. Meetings last Sunday each month 11:00 am.  ForoEngránica. Durango 81-202 Esq. Cordoba. Col. Roma For information about the chapter contact: Luis Michel Fox:,  Phone: 5255-1524-6789 For information about courses and Certification Program contact:  Education Director Martha Goenaga Verdín:,  Phone: 5255-5506-6234 Chapter web site: Chapter Facebook Page: Chapter YouTube Channel:        
Taiwan Affiliate
In the Taiwan Chapter we officially introduced the NCGR-PAA education and certification program. We have monthly and totally-free member exclusive online reading club, and we also have special interest groups working on various astrological topics. We welcome all Mandarin speakers who love Astrology to join our online activities or non-periodical member part/lecture/conference in Taipei. Online Meetings: 2nd Saturday, 8:00-10:00 PM.  Annually 3 times local events, and member meetings in Taipei City. The price varies according to the activity. Priced with advance registration discounts up to 25% for members. Schedule subject to change. See the website for updates. Website: Email: Facebook:  
Thailand Chapter
UACT (Uranian Astrologers Club, Thailand) 28/27 Soi Nakhaniwas 48 Yak 18 Nakhaniwas Road, Ladphrao, Bangkok 10230 Thailand. Fax. +662-935-4252

Offering astrology courses from basic to advanced, Traditional and Uranian. Online/Offline.

Phone Number: +66 89 795 8001

Email address:

website: (contents in Thai)

facebook: ยูเรเนียนผสมผสาน (in Thai – meaning: Eclectic Uranian)

group line: NCGR Thailand

Baris Ilhan, President
CA Los Angeles County Chapter
Gaye Nelson, President
Meetings: 4th Sunday, 1:00-4:00 PM, The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse, 501 Gibson Dr., Roseville, CA. Call or email for gate code. Schedule subject to change. Contact us to confirm. Pre-reg fee. $5 NCGR members/$15 for non-members. Door fee. $10 members/$20 non-members. Special events individually priced with advance registration discounts (members only) up to a week ahead. See website for updates.  
CA Sacramento
Linda Byrd, President
Meetings: 4th Sunday, 2:00-4:30 PM, Sylvan Community Center, Citrus Heights, CA.  Pre-reg fee $15 NCGR members/$25 for non-members. Door fee $20 members/$30 non-members. Special events individually priced with advance registration discounts (members only) up to a week ahead.  Currently, due to the shelter-in-place policy, we are meeting online and providing the presentations for no-charge. See our website for updates.  
CA San Diego
Kelly O’Tillery, Publicity Director, 760.683.5191; Mtgs. 3rd Saturday featuring local and regional astrologers. 11am-1 pm. US Bank Building, Community Room, 131 North El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA. 92024. Meetings: $8.Members/$12 non-members.
CA San Francisco Bay Area
Meetings are monthly on Saturday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. at the Finnish Hall, 1970 Chestnut Street, Berkeley, CA. During the Coronavirus pandemic our meetings have been converted to free 2-hour webinars. Lectures charges are pre-registered: NCGR Member: $15; Non-Member $20; or day of event or at the door: NCGR Member: $25; Non-Member $30. Contact us at, or by phone at 707-334-3284
CO Rocky Mountain (Denver)
Jill Pitts, President
Meetings: First Friday of every month September – June. Location: TBA. Schedule is subject to change.  Meeting fees: NCGR National members $5.00/$10.00 for non-members. Special events will have separate pricing. Please check for updates on our Facebook and Meetup pages. You may phone Jill Pitts, President, at +1 303-437-7656.
FL Florida Atlantic
Christine Chase, President
Meetings: Usually 3rd Saturday of the month. September through May, LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS - Time:  10:30am – 5pm Pricing: ALL DAY: $40 Current NCGR Members, $50 Non-members and guests.  HALF DAY: $25 members or out-of-town guests. $30 local non-NGCR-members Zoom Meetings throughout remainder of 2020. Sign up and pay in advance. In 2021, depending on members safety, will be held at NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, 3301 College Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314. H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business And Entrepreneurship, Carl DeSantis Building. President's Phone:  954-452-5201     Email:     
IL Northern Illinois
Judy Johnson, President
Whether professional or novice, everyone is welcomed. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm from March through December. Location:  Des Plaines Elks Lodge, 495 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Doors open at 7:00 pm. Members: $8.00, Non-Members: $12.00.  AYA members can attend at NCGR member rates. - CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE.  Seminars vary in cost. Our popular Holiday Party (second Tues in Dec.) is $5.00 for everyone! For membership renewals and workshops only -- we now accept Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, Amex and Discover Card. Visit us at: and at: Janet Berres, President   847-965-9916
MD Chesapeake Chapter
John Marani, President
Meetings: One meeting per month, usually via Zoom on a weeknight. See our links below for specific meeting dates and times! Email to be placed on our mailing list, or for additional information.
MA Boston
NCGR Boston is one of NCGR’s largest chapters. We have in-person meetings from September through May / June, skipping the New England snow months. Our usual venue is the Beech Street Center in Belmont, MA. We offer webinars during the winter months, as well as during pandemics. Questions can be emailed to, or call  (212) 726-2527 We hope to see you at one of our meetings! Website: Facebook:
MI SMARRT – Southeast Michigan Astrologers Research Round Table.
Elizabeth Hazel, President

SMARRT (Southeast Michigan Astrologers Research Round Table) was founded in 2008.

Every year we host a Spring Blast event for Astrology Day (Spring Equinox) and a SMARRT Birthday Party in early December. Both are social luncheons for people interested in astrology to meet and talk. Beginners are always welcome. A list of the current year’s events is available upon request. We invite regional and out-of-town presenters to speak on a wide range of astrological topics. Currently SMARRT is hosting Zoom webinars while our regular meeting place is closed because of the epidemic. We’ll return to the Classic Cup Café when it’s safe to gather again!  You may call Liz at +1 419-242-1696 or email  or information about our ongoing program of events. You can also connect with SMARRT through our Facebook page and Meetup notifications.

Facebook (

Meetup at the Ann Arbor Astrology Group (


MN North Star
Sunmisola Banjo-Arebojie
Meetings: We regularly host astrological roundtable discussions, presentations, and classes. Specific dates and times for upcoming meetings can be found on the website.
NV Las Vegas Stargazers
Meetings are usually the last Tuesday of every month except for August, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holiday season. Currently, we are hosting online meetings and events and anyone with an interest in astrology is welcome to attend, including visitors to the area.  We ask you check the events page on Facebook or Meetup for current events and updates. Email: Phone:  702-286-3325 Visit our Facebook Page for events, meetings, and other astrological happenings: Our Meetup is known as The Las Vegas Astrology Meetup: To learn more about membership benefits or become a member, please visit: or contact us for more details.
NJ Northern New Jersey Chapter
Beth Hyslip, President, , Jackie Slevin, 973-744-5347, Mtgs. Friday eves 7:30 PM. Members $15, Seniors $10, Non-members $20. Contact Beth for information regarding NCGR-PAA testing.
NM New Mexico Enchantment Chapter

Meetings:  first Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm, except for August, when we meet on a Sunday for “Dinner Under the Stars”.

Call for information or check our website


Phone: Sandy Bryan 505-255-5001, 505-358-2753

NY Long Island Chapter
Meetings 2nd Friday. 7:30-9:30 PM at The Merrick Golf Club Clubhouse, 2550 Clubhouse Road, Merrick, NY 11566. Members $15, Non-members $20.
NY New York City Chapter
We offer classes on all levels and topics all year round. Membership meeting in September. November weekend conference. International Astrology Day celebration every March. Annual spring conference. Four newsletters per year. And now, Zoom events through the year! Fees range for each event. Please subscribe to our website for updates: John Marchesella
TX Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter
Dundi Thompson
About Us: Celebrating over 50 years of providing quality Astrological programs for the eager budding and seasoned Astrologists! Not located in DFW? - no problem, feel free to join us on-line! Monthly announcements and yearly calendar of scheduled events are made via our e-mailed flyer (send your e-mail to the above address if you wish to be notified) and listed on  Https: Astrological Society of North Texas (Carrollton, TX) | Meetup Most presentations are recorded and sent to attendees, please see information below under fees section. When/Where: We generally meet BOTH in-person and on-line the 3rd Saturday of the month starting at 10:30 am Central time, completing around 12:30 pm. In-Person Attendees: Our current meeting place is:  Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W. Hebron Parkway, Carrollton, TX 75010 at the front of the church in the Fellowship Hall. Traveling to DFW? We’d be delighted for you to join us! For On-Line Attendees: Please note:  After payment is made, the on-line webinar link will be sent to you directly from Meetup to the e-mail address you have provided on your Meetup account. Please be sure your Meetup account e-mail address is current, and be on the lookout for the link in your folders! Meeting Fees: In-Person Attendees:  Local current NCGR DFW members: in-person: $15.00. Cash/Check/Charge. On-Line Attendees:  On-line service for all other Astrology lovers: $25.00. For All: Some programs, workshops, lessons, or special events may have a different fee to commensurate with the program. First time, in-person guests are welcome to attend their first meeting for free, we are happy to see you! Most presentations are recorded and sent to the e-mail we have on file for you. Recordings and/or hand-outs cannot be sent via Meetup. Please be sure to send your e-mail address to the contact e-mail above. Chatbox listings will not be practical or assessable. What to Bring to the Meeting: Generally, speakers will reference something that you will want to see on you or your loved one’s natal chart. Please bring one with you, or have handy on a phone app. Welcome to NCGR-DFW and our group!
WI Milwaukee Chapter
Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a novice or a practicing astrologer! We meet 3-4 times per year, usually quarterly. Due to the pandemic, all of our Meetings are held online through zoom until notice from Wisconsin Department of Health Services regarding larger gatherings. Zoom meetings are usually free; donations gladly accepted.  Prices vary for in-person workshops. If you’d like to be added to our email list to receive information about upcoming meetings, please email Maria De Spears, Secretary at You may find information on Facebook and Meetup Facebook Group: Meetup Group:
AST SIG (Asteroids)
For information, contributions to newsletter (GAIA) and sample copies for $1.50: Dave Campbell, President. 5735 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, Arizona 85301. Phone: 623-463-6286. Email: Membership send dues $15; $24 overseas to: Richard Wright, P.O. Box 1993, Hartford, CT 06144, phoenyx_u.s5@hotmail.com203-982-1653, For asteroid positions or ephemerides: Dave Campbell, astrologystore@aol.com623-463-6286.
DECL SIG (Declination)
PO Box 153, Chino Valley, AZ 86323. Dedicated to declination application and research, iIt publishes The Other Dimension, a 16-page quarterly journal. To subscribe, send check or money order made out to Declination SIG, $18 U.S., $20 Canada and Mexico, $25 elsewhere (all in US$) to Treasurer, Martha Ramsey, 400 Avenue D, Roswell NM 88203. Send author contributions to Leigh Westin, Editor,
URANIAN SOCIETY SIG. (Uranian/Cosmobiology).
President - Executive Committee
The Uranian Society is a Special-Interest Group (SIG), founded in New York City in 1980. Its mission is to advance  the knowledge of the Uranian System of astrology, also known as the Hamburg School, which was originated in Hamburg in the 1920's.  Currently at the helm are: Meira Epstein CA. NCGR-PAA, Chiemi Matsumoto, Faith McInerney. Members receive our Urania e-Journal and free attendance to regular Webinars. Recordings of the past webinars are also shared with members. For membership, information, back issues of articles and contributions to the Urania e-Journal, contact us through   UPCOMING WEBINAR:  April 16, 2023 (Sunday)  ALTERNATING CURRENTS - The Composite Chart - Relationships as Cyclical Currents by John Townley:    For more information and registration, go to or write to 
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